A downloadable game

Created by Gorbooo for the IcoJam 2023, where the them was "3 . . . 2 . . 1 .

Your goal is to photobomb every picture you can, but as more people enter the area you may find it more difficult to maneuver your way into every photo

Feel free to post your Highscore in the comments! My personal Highscore is 66854


WASD- Up, Left, Down, Right

Space - Dash

P or Esc - Pause


3...2..1. Photobomb!.zip 27 MB


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(2 edits) (+1)

this is a very well designed game! the gameplay loop is enjoyable and the visuals, while basic, are quite appealing! i'm very glad that i chose to download this game! (also found the secret after getting a score of 100,000, very cool!)